Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Points on Moves and Events

Having judged some events, thought I'd throw my 2 cents out on how I'd like to see events in the future run if I was dictator of kneeboard events.

Points on a move. Is it wrong? Yes and no, depending on the situation. I've watched someone throw a perfectly gigantic 360, and another rider throw a tiny one wake 360...funny thing is... on paper its the same thing. I don't like that.

But lets get real here, kneeboarding needs points and the trick event for International competition. When a country flys halfway around the world to meet up with other countries to compete for the Rider Cup Trophy... There is no way on God's green Earth that the winning country could be settled on freestyle scores. ESPECIALLY in a close race. Being a judge would be the worst job in the world. Kneeboarding needs points and the trick event for International competition.

What about Nationals and State and other events? I'm glad I asked that question. These are the kind of events I could see a successful all freestyle event with multiple rounds. Theres not as big of a bias fear in these contests, because generally everyone agrees with whoever won and if they don't agree, they can get over it... they didn't travel across an ocean or anything and they can wait till the next comp.

While I'm attacking this subject, I'm going to make a critique our freestyle event. Seond lap and doubleup are setup perfect... but why make the first round like a mixture of tricks and freestyle instead of all freestyle? Overall I think we did a good job of keeping freestyle freestyle. In the grand scheme of things, it is extremely rare that it would make a difference, infact I can only think of one time that I thought it made a difference... but I digress.

So with that this is what I think events will be like...

Internationals- Freestyle and Tricks
Any other events- Freestyle

Inside or outside the AKA, kneeboarding could definitely use a ToeJam, Wakelab, All or Nothing, and Move of the Year contests aswell.

You may have noticed, I didn't mention flipout or slalom. As fun as I think those events are. I honestly don't think they are spectator friendly events, which is what our sport needs to focus on.

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