How did you get into kneeboaring?
I used to try to kneeboard when I was really young, but wasn't very good at it at all. I couldn't even get up. I wasn't on the water much because I played football and baseball from when I was 7 years old until I graduated high school in 2005, so that took up most of my time. After high school I started to go out in the boat on the weekends and my good friend, Jody Richard, would kneeboard. We would ride behind an X5 that belonged to another friend and he would just do wake jumps but go HUGE. I decided I wanted to learn to do that and bought me a board then slowly progressed.
Who do you ride with?
I ride with my best friend, Mike Fenton, he has a 2007 Super Air Nautique 220. It's usually me, him, his wife Toni, Kolby Lorio, and whoever else we can find to ride. We are all neighbors so that makes it easy. Mike is a wakeboarder, but he's nice enough to let me, Mike Marchand, and Kolby kneeboard lol.
Who is your favorite rider to watch?
Definitely Mike Marchand, although he makes you want to quit and become a professional tuber when he rides.
Where do you work at?
I do commercial landscaping and lawn care.
Give us the lowdown on the flyin. With us much detail as possible. Who, what, when, why, and how?
Well this was the 3rd fly-in in La, and the second consecutive at Mike Marchand's house. It was myself, Mike Marchand, Stefan Ewing, Mark and Chris from Michigan, Eric Aymond, Mike Fenton, Kolby Lorio, Spencer Gauthreaux, Brian Bartaszewicz, Ryan Kyle, Tony Lucente and a few others popped in from around here. Everyone had a great time and got big air behind the wake of that 220. Mike Marchand's 2 cousins cooked some good food for us Friday and Saturday night, and me and Randy Richard finished up with a big gumbo Sunday. Special thanks to Mike Fenton for letting us use his sweet boat all weekend. also, thanks to my Aunt, Becky Carriere for taking awesome photos, and Randy Richard for doing some pulling and chase boat action in his 86' Correct Craft!
Any one land any new tricks over the weekend?
I don't think anyone did "new" tricks but I landed a big front somersault to air front somersault. Tony Lucente from Ohio, and Ryan Kyle from Texas are pretty new to kneeboarding and they both started jumping that enormous wake from both sides. Before we knew it, they were trying backrolls, neither landed (probably cause the wake was 3' high), but they came close and got something to go home with. Mike Marchand did the biggest sky scraper that I think anyone had ever seen. Seriously, he was higher than unemployment! All of this will be on video soon enough, we got a bunch of great footage and Stefan and I will be working on the video.
Do you think Troy's the best alligator hunter in the swamp?
The only thing alligators fear more than us around here is Troy Landry, hands down.
Do you say "Choot'em Clint" on a daily basis?
Not normally but everyone was saying it this weekend at the fly-in haha. Choot em Clant! Choot dat dam tree chakeah!
Tell us about crawfish.
Crawfish are seasonal and the season is around early February thru mid-June depending on water levels and tempature. Prices drop later in the season, and we eat them more often. We buy the crawfish live, they come in 35-40 lb sacks. We boil them in 80+ qt aluminium crawfish pots with lots of seasonings then peel them and eat them. Or they can be pealed and frozen to use in other dishes.
So I hear you're enjoying the new setup of 70 feet, 24mph, with 2300 pounds of ballast. Does your board enjoy that setup?
I enjoy it a lot. Huge air and for a bigger guy like me its easier on the boat haha. Definitely not good for the boards or my ankles though, I think I broke 3 lowriders and one rush this summer. And on my last ride at the fly-in I did a big back roll and landed way in the flats and my ankle swelled up like 3 times in size. Its feeling better now, and before anyone says anything, I'm not using one of those buoy balls!! That is for old people.
Whats your favorite move?
Layout. Mainly because I watch Mike Marchand do it all the time and no matter how many times I do it, it never looks as good, so I keep trying.
What moves are you working on
Currently I'm trying to dial in a front roll to revert, 360's, and something new that just came about where I do a one handed layout and roll back towards the wake (like a backwards s-bend I guess) and looks kind of like a lay out with an over the head 360. I'm also coming pretty damn close to doing the backwards back somersault.

Ninjas or Pirates
Chuck Norris
Look into your crystal ball and tell us what you see in kneeboarding's future.
That's hard to say but just seeing how the fly-ins are growing, and Frankie Panno coming out with the new board board, it looks like its growing and people are getting more interested. We just need exposure like this site, Kneeboardworld, the Rogue Riders, etc.
Do you have any sponsors?
I don't have any sponsors. But the O'Brien Lowrider is the best board out there!! Hint, hint.
Anyone you would like to thank?
Well, I thanked everyone for the fly-in. But I should thank Mike Fenton for bringing me in his boat every weekend, and Mikey Marchand for giving me tips when I need them... Or a loaner board lol
Any last words?
Chuck Norris
Thanks for your time Shawn.
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