Monday, October 18, 2010

Newest video of Frankie Panno

You guys are probably going to hate me for this and before I post I have to say "with all due respect" [Now I get to say whatever I want :)]

I was asked to post this video by a good friend of mine and I was actually avoiding posting it. "Why?" you ask...

1. Everyone is calling it something, and I think its something different and
2. I didn't want to feel like I was calling Frankie out on his move

But I don't get many requests and can't deny that this is kneeboard magazine worthy. The shreddage is all there, but I would feel weird posting it without my opinion on it. So here it is.

Let me just say that this is SICK!!! and I question whether a backroll with a handlepass has ever been done... and the fact that it was done so smoothly, so fast and on such a small wake is MIND BOTTLING!!!

But I'm going to say that its not a backroll mobe, but a backroll back with a handlepass. To me he clearly and undeniable lands backwards. But feel free to leave a comment if you disagree/agree.

And hey, Frankie is definitely one of the coolest guys, friend and arguably the hardest shredders that I hope to ride with some day. And I know Frankie has rode bigger wakes and I truly believe he could legitimately get the rotation in on his next set.

-John Haile

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