I went to the Team Carolina event a few weeks ago and had a blast. Saw some old friends and met plenty of new ones. Big thanks to George and Doris for driving me, scoring, judging, and everything. Big thanks to Dave Brunt and his family for the food, the roof over my head, and the pulls. Congrats to Shannon for grabbing the top spot in the country. But don't call it a comeback, cause he's been here for years, and rocking his peers, putting suckas in fear. lol!/video/video.php?v=440507918065&ref=mf
Shannon Griffin from AllState Productions on Vimeo.
As for the event itself. I could writeup an entire article of how awesome it was, but to stay on topic I'll just summarize it. EXTREMELY BRIGHT YELLOW Team Carolina T-shirts that'll make you want to techno rave, free monster energy drinks, celebrating Alisa's birthday over the telephone, two left black eyes, spectators, amazing riding, beers, late night magic tricks and puzzles, stories, photos, and 4 different video cameras running at the same time. Now back on topic...
Its really cool to do my personal best (by a longshot) and still get edged out of the RiderCup. What I mean by that is that the competitive kneeboarding is alive and well and that is awesome and healthy for the sport. I feel this is true, especially for this year. Everyone is on their toes ready to hit their personal bests and then improve on their personal bests by the next event.
Last month, a respectable 3,010 score would get you into the Ridecup. After the Team Carolina event... you would have to score 3,870 or higher. An event called Stokapalooza (greatest name ever) is coming up this weekend in Lake Placid, Florida. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see the score to beat become 4,000 or even higher.
The following weekend is the Last Chance in Georgia and Minnesota( and everywhere for that matter). This is going to be the real kicker. After these events, the best 7 riders in the USA will be announced and will represent the U.S.A. in the International Competition. More pictures, videos, articles, and news to come.
So get your practice in asap and get to these events.
Spread the Stoke
-John Haile
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